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Installing Asternic with FreePBX

First let’s mention what Asternic is before how to install asternic.. Asternic is a reporting platform for FreePBX and Asterisk that focuses on Queues. It scans the queue_log created by asterisk, and develops excellent reports and graphs from this data.

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Posted in FreePBX, Troubleshooting

FreePBX – Voicemails aren’t sending to Emails

We encountered a problem on our Asterisk/FreePBX system where voicemail emails weren’t being delivered. After digging around in the logs, I found errors resembling this: ( /var/log/maillog ) Apr 25 13:03:35 localhost postfix/smtp[27048]: 8788E1A0B8C0: to=,[]:587, delay=1.4, delays=0.03/0.02/1.4/0, dsn=5.7.1, status=bounced

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Posted in Troubleshooting

Solved: Beginning of IVR Message Cut off

Problem: When calling an inbound line, the first part of the message is chopped off. Answer: When using IVR’s in FreePBX, cutoff messages rarely happen, because it configures the dialplan to leave a bit of silence at the beginning of

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Posted in Tips n Tricks, Troubleshooting

iSymphony Running Slow, failing to update, crashing.

Occasionally when using an asterisk based freepbx installation with iSymphony, you will run into problems as you grow your business and dialplan. We will discuss one such hypothetical problem, as we do here: Suppose you had reps and managers complaining

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Posted in Troubleshooting

FreePBX Can’t Make Calls with PRI? Try this

If you’re just starting out and anxious to get your shiny new pbx working, you will want to be up and live as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way. These initial ‘getting running’ problems can

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Posted in Troubleshooting