Blog Archives

How to Replace exten with same in Asterisk

Replace “exten =>” with ” same =>” Today I’m going to give you a simple perl one-liner that will let you convert an entire extensions.conf file with a simple command. Disclaimer! This code comes with no warranties, implied or expressed

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Posted in Asterisk, FreePBX, Tips n Tricks

Upload Asterisk Recordings to Amazon S3 in Real-time

Hey guys, today we’re going to talk about uploading asterisk recordings to S3 in realtime. This will work for both plain Asterisk and FreePBX, and can be adjusted to work with any derivative. In addition! This will also convert your

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Posted in Asterisk, FreePBX, Tips n Tricks

FreePBX – Use CPU Affinity to isolate Asterisk from MySQL + Apache (httpd)

A lot of people are using FreePBX as their distribution of choice. It’s a pretty awesome program (not without flaws, but what is?) that simplifies configuration of asterisk to make it easy for anyone to deploy their own phone system.

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Posted in Asterisk, FreePBX, Tips n Tricks

Get All Logs of a Number that was Dialed

Hello everyone! I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted, but today you’re in for a treat. Every asterisk or FreePBX administrator that has had to troubleshoot by pouring through pages and pages of logs will love this

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Posted in Asterisk

How to monitor certain Queues with Chanspy

In this installment of, we are going to talk about listening to specific queues with FreePBX. Previously, we showed you how to How to barge with freepbx, and now this is how to spy on queues that may each

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Posted in FreePBX

iSymphony Running Slow, failing to update, crashing.

Occasionally when using an asterisk based freepbx installation with iSymphony, you will run into problems as you grow your business and dialplan. We will discuss one such hypothetical problem, as we do here: Suppose you had reps and managers complaining

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Posted in Troubleshooting