Blog Archives

How to monitor certain Queues with Chanspy

In this installment of, we are going to talk about listening to specific queues with FreePBX. Previously, we showed you how to How to barge with freepbx, and now this is how to spy on queues that may each

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Posted in FreePBX

Installing Asternic with FreePBX

First let’s mention what Asternic is before how to install asternic.. Asternic is a reporting platform for FreePBX and Asterisk that focuses on Queues. It scans the queue_log created by asterisk, and develops excellent reports and graphs from this data.

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Posted in FreePBX, Troubleshooting

iSymphony Running Slow, failing to update, crashing.

Occasionally when using an asterisk based freepbx installation with iSymphony, you will run into problems as you grow your business and dialplan. We will discuss one such hypothetical problem, as we do here: Suppose you had reps and managers complaining

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Posted in Troubleshooting

Queues: Too many Calls in queue crash Asterisk.

If you’ve ever had problems where high calls in queue crash asterisk, or if too many calls in queue spike cpu usage, then you may have problems with erroneous agents logged into the queue.  This article applies to Asterisk 11.0.1

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Posted in Tips n Tricks