Connecting Phone Systems – Finishing Touches

Now you’ve got the basics down, including Friend Trunking, setting up inter-pbx connectivity with FreePBX’s Outbound Routes, and even letting inbound callers reach remote extensions with Custom Dialplan code.

If any of those don’t sound familiar, check out the beginning of our Connecting Phone Systems digest.

Now I’ll go over some of the cool things you can do with your newly connected boxes.

Ring Groups will become a very useful feature, they allow you to define extensions that you can target from within FreePBX even though they reside on another system.

Start by creating a new Ring Group in FreePBX.

Choose a number in a range that’s different from your extensions. It’s common to simply preface a number or two before the remote extension, for example: 886001.  It’s helpful to keep in mind that everything is an extension in Asterisk, so too in FreePBX.

You can choose the settings you’d like, for example music on hold if you like.

In the extension list, you need to enter the extension on the remote box, followed by a hash (#). Set up an appropriate fail-over destination, such as a voicemail box or alternate phone number, and you’re done! You can now target this extension by pointing to the Ring Group you just defined!

Queues: Something a bit more practical would be queues, you can edit your queues, and enter in the extensions of a remote box, just like it was on the local box!

Let’s say you have extensions 3000-4999 on PBX1, and 5000-6999 on PBX2, and you have a Queue on PBX1 full of agents. Some of the a gents on PBX2 however want to be in the queue, so what to do? Simply open up the Queue on PBX1, and type in the extension as it exists on PBX2. That’s it, nothing too difficult 😉

If you have any requests for functionality you’d like covered, please leave a comment!

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