Upload Asterisk Recordings to Amazon S3 in Real-time

Hey guys, today we’re going to talk about uploading asterisk recordings to S3 in realtime. This will work for both plain Asterisk and FreePBX, and can be adjusted to work with any derivative.

In addition! This will also convert your files to MP3 if you want. [requires sox compiled with liblame mp3 support, we can help you with this if you want]

Now before you get too excited, this is a commercial module.
Pricing varies based on a number of factors, including number of agents, number of servers, operating system + version, which version of Asterisk, which version of FreePBX, and more.

What the code does:
As soon as the call is over, it is automatically [optionally] converted to mp3, then uploaded to amazon s3.
The original wav file is deleted to save space, leaving the converted mp3, but this can be optionally deleted also by changing a single variable available at the top of the script.

So if you want to upload your recordings from asterisk, freepbx, elastix, trixbox, or whatever, to Amazon S3 you’ll need this script. Sure you could write one yourself, but this will save you lots of time.

In addition! It also works with confbridge, so your 3 way calls and conferences can be uploaded in realtime also.

And if you use MeetMe, we can help you convert to confbridge. We have lots of experience migrating from MeetMe to ConfBridge.

Have a good day guys, stay tuned, more free help is on the way! Please support this project by purchasing this module if you need it.

To order call: 888.235.o5o5

Update: This will not work for Conference recordings (app_meetme / app_confbridge) however I have written a custom app_confbridge module for asterisk 11+. If you are using Asterisk 11.17.1, then I can sell you the patch file for $99 with purchase of the S3Uploader, or $199 by itself. If you are not on this version, I can still sell you the diff, but you will have to make the changes yourself. I can also patch (almost) any version manually for $199/$299. I can also login to your machine to perform the patch, if you prefer. We can do a screenshare where you open a terminal to the machine and I can install it that way so you never need to give me the password.

Follow the Converting from MeetMe to Confbridge guide to convert your old MeetMe code into the newer Confbridge style.

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Posted in Asterisk, FreePBX, Tips n Tricks
6 comments on “Upload Asterisk Recordings to Amazon S3 in Real-time
  1. Stephen Donato says:

    Hello. We have a need to copy files S3. Please contact me if you are still doing this type of work. Thank you.

  2. Christos Efrem says:

    Hi can you contact me to arrange the installation of this script.

  3. grforu says:

    Hi, Please contact me if you are still doing this type of work.

  4. tony says:

    I’d also be interested, please contact me if you are still offering this

  5. tony says:

    please include pricing

  6. michael says:

    hello can you program this for my asterisk instance. please let me know the cost and how to.

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